Having grown up in the Lockwood flats area of Billings, Montana, it seemed as if our entire neighborhood was involved in drugs and alcohol. In our neighborhood, the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs was considered normal. However, the consequences I faced because of my addictions were horrendous. As a young man my life spiraled out of control, and I often resorted to crime to pay for the addictions that controlled my every waking moment.
Foster homes, mental institutions, State run hospitals, reform school, jail sentences, threats from authority and multiple prison sentences provided me with no answer to the brokenness in my life. I wanted to change and with every imposed consequence I thought that someone would surely have my answer. I was finding that I did not have the power to live out any genuine desire to change and that something far more than just my behavior, desperately needed to change.
Today the media caters to the idea that this generation’s drugs are all powerful, and once used they have complete and lasting control over their intended victims.
Real power, the kind of power that I experienced in the midst of an out of control life of crime and addiction, came from a most unlikely source, a frail little 77 year old man. He and his wife simply loved me. They told me that if they ever had a son, they would want him to be just like me. They said that I was the son that they never had.
This frail little man told me that he loved me because God loved me. God loved me so much that He sent His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. He said that if I would ask Jesus to forgive me of my sins, He would. I had a complete melt down. I was now staring down the biggest barrel of any gun that I had ever seen. The Love of God expressed in a little 77 year old man that knew Him personally. I surrendered! That was June of 1974. I have been captive to Jesus Christ to this very day.
Today’s liquid and powdered drugs may allude us into thinking that they are all powerful. However, nothing compares to the kind of power that went into a dead body and raised it to life again, seating Him next to the Throne of God and sending His Holy Spirit here to convince us of the Love of God. The all-powerful Jesus Christ!
Prison Impact was founded in May of 1984 by Monty and Holly Christensen. The organization was established to fulfill a God-given vision to bring God’s message of salvation to prisoners.
Prison Impact Ministries is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization governed by a board of directors.
Monty and Holly Christensen live in Kalispell, Montana. They have dedicated their lives to reaching others with a message of hope and forgiveness. The book 70x7 and Beyond is a tool they use in their work along with personal visits to speak at juvenile and adult institutions, celebrate recovery groups, and community outreaches all across America. Your requests are welcomed as is your help in their efforts. Thank you for visiting our web site.
“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. And herein is that saying true, One soweth and another reapeth. I send you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.” John 4:35-38